MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT SCHEDULE - Single Occupancy Residential Prefabricated Static Unit

Schedule 1

 Description of the Services the Supplier will provide includes:

  1.1   The Supplier to deal with any day-to-day queries from the Customer.

  1.2   The Supplier will collect any rental income on behalf of the Customer.

  1.3   Resolution of any problems arising, either with the Supplier or the Occupants in line with this Agreement.  


Schedule 2

Customer’s Responsibility  

Part 1

Customer Materials

The Customer shall provide the Supplier with the following documents, information, items and materials:


Part 2


  1. The Customer shall:

1.1 Respond to and provide such documentation, data and other information as the Supplier reasonably requests for the Supplier to discharge its obligations under this agreement;

1.2 respond to requests for information in a prompt and timely manner, where such requests are reasonably made by or on behalf of the Supplier to enable the Supplier to discharge its obligations under this agreement; and

1.3 subject to their compliance with the Security Policy, provide such access for any of the Supplier's Personnel to such parts of the Facilities during Core Hours and at such other hours as may be arranged in advance as the Supplier reasonably requires for the Supplier to discharge its obligations under this agreement.


Part 3

Facilities and Equipment

  1. The Customer shall:

1.1 not service, maintain or attempt repair to the Facilities, or any part of them, or Equipment, directly or through a third party, without the consent of the Supplier.


Schedule 3

Location and Product

Part 1

The Location of the Facility where the Service will be provided:


Part 2

Description of the Product(s) the Service will be provided for:

Product Name: Room fit for single occupancy within a Static Home(s)” means a manufactured residential static home/mobile home.


Schedule 4

Charges and Deductions

 Part 1

  1. Service Charges pursuant to Clause 11.4

      2. Exit Assistance Charges- To be determined upon completion of the term

Part 2

Service Credits


Schedule 5


Name and address of Subcontractor:

Registered address and company number:

Product/service description:

Terms of Subcontract:


Schedule 6

Contract Managers and Key Personnel

Part 1

Contract Managers:

Part 2

Key Personnel:


Schedule 7

Mandatory polices

Part 1

The Customer shall:

1.1 comply with all applicable laws, statutes, regulations, and codes relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption including but not limited to the Bribery Act 2010 (the “Relevant Requirements”);

1.2 not engage in any activity, practice or conduct which would constitute an offence under sections 1, 2 or 6 of the Bribery Act 2010 if such activity, practice or conduct had been carried out in the United Kingdom;

1.3 have and shall maintain in place throughout the term of this Agreement its own policies and procedures, including but not limited to adequate procedures under the Bribery Act 2010, to ensure compliance with the Relevant Requirements, the “Relevant Policies” and Schedule 7, 1.2 and will enforce them where appropriate; and (1.4) notify the Supplier (in writing) if it becomes aware of any breach of Schedule 7 1.1 or 1.2 or has reason to believe that it or any person associated with it has received a request or demand for any undue financial or other advantage .

1.4 notify the Supplier (in writing) if it becomes aware of any breach of Schedule 7, or has reason to believe that it or any person associated with it has received a request or demand for any undue financial or other advantage .

Part 2

2.1 The Customer shall ensure that any person associated with the Customer who is performing services in connection with this Agreement does so only on the basis of a written contract which imposes on and secures from such person terms equivalent to those imposed on the Customer. The Customer shall be responsible for the observance and performance by such persons of any Relevant Terms of this Agreement and shall be directly liable to the Supplier for any breach by such persons of any of the Relevant Terms.


Schedule 8



The following definitions apply in this Schedule 8 only.

Fair Market Value: the fair market value of the relevant asset(s) in accordance with the price the goods would sell on the open market.

Net Book Value: the net book value of the relevant asset(s) calculated in accordance with Schedule 10

Registers: the registers referred to in Paragraph 3.1(a) of this Schedule 8.



2.1 The Supplier is required to ensure the orderly transition of the Services to the Customer or Replacement Supplier (as applicable) in the event of any termination or expiry of this agreement. This Schedule 8 describes the roles and responsibilities of the parties which are intended to achieve this.



3.1 During the Term, the Supplier shall:

(a) Create, maintain and promptly make available to the Customer on request registers of:

(i) all assets (excluding assets owned by the Customer) required to perform the agreement, detailing their ownership status, whether they are used exclusively for this agreement, conditions and physical location, and their Net Book Value;

(ii) subcontracts and other agreements (including software licences) required to perform the agreement;

(iii) operational risks relating to the Services;

(iv) all performance records and standards in relation to the Services; and/ OR


(b) compile and maintain a procedures manual, describing how the Operational Services are delivered, including the processes used; and

(c) maintain copies of any Subcontracts or other agreements referred to in the Registers.



4.1 The Supplier shall, within 12 months of the Commencement Date submit an Exit Management Plan to the Customer which complies with the requirements of this Schedule.

4.2 The parties shall use their reasonable endeavours to agree the contents of the Exit Management Plan.

4.3 The Exit Management Plan shall:

(a) address each of the issues set out in this Schedule to facilitate the transition of the Services from the Supplier to the Customer or Replacement Supplier (as applicable) and ensure that there is no disruption in the supply of the Services and no deterioration in the quality of delivery of the Services;

(b) detail how the Services will transfer to the Customer or Replacement Supplier (as applicable);

(c) provide a timetable for exit and compliance with the requirements of the agreement



4.4 The Supplier shall review and, if appropriate, update the Exit Management Plan on a basis consistent with the principles set out in this Schedule:

(a) to reflect any changes in the Services that have occurred since the Exit Management Plan was last agreed; and

(b) following any major change to the Services under the agreement.

4.5 During the Exit Period, the Supplier shall comply with all its obligations in the Exit Management Plan.



5.1 During the Exit Period, the Supplier shall:

(a) provide the Customer or Replacement Supplier with the procedures manual compiled pursuant to Paragraph 3.1(b);

(b) provide access, during Business Hours, to the Customer or Replacement Supplier to:

(i) any information relating to the Services as remains in the possession or control of the Supplier; and

(ii) such members of the Supplier's Personnel involved in the provision of the performance of the agreement and who are still employed or engaged by the Supplier; and



7.1 At least 28 Business Days before the Termination Date, the Supplier shall provide the Customer with the Register referred to in Paragraph 3.1(a)(i), indicating which assets are capable of legal transfer to the Customer or Replacement Supplier (as applicable).

7.2 The Customer shall notify the Supplier at least 7 Business Days after receipt of the list pursuant to Paragraph 7.1 which, if any, assets need to be transferred to it or the Replacement Supplier (as applicable). The Supplier shall sell any transferring assets to the Customer or Replacement Supplier (as applicable) at Net Book Value. Risk in such transferring assets shall pass to the Customer or Replacement Supplier (as applicable) on the Termination Date and title shall pass to the Customer or Replacement Supplier (as applicable) on payment for the same.



8.1 At least 14 Business Days before the Termination Date, the Supplier shall provide the Customer with the up-to-date Register referred to in Paragraph 3.1(a), identifying which contracts are used exclusively to deliver the Services.

8.2 The Customer shall notify the Supplier at least 14 Business Days after receipt of the list pursuant to Paragraph 8.1 which exclusive third-party contracts, if any, the Customer requires to be transferred to it or the Replacement Supplier (if applicable).

8.3 The Supplier shall, at the Customer's request and with the co-operation of the Customer, procure the novation to the Customer or Replacement Supplier (as applicable) of any transferring third party contracts notified to it under Paragraph 8.2.


Schedule 9



Schedule 10

Consideration given for Buy-Back

No depreciation for 12 years, all consideration is at the original price paid for the product price of £39,999

Unit sold 12+ years       

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Document name: MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT SCHEDULE - Single Occupancy Residential Prefabricated Static Unit
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29 September 2022 5:02 am BSTMANAGEMENT AGREEMENT SCHEDULE - Single Occupancy Residential Prefabricated Static Unit Uploaded by Ian Elliot - Director on behalf of Concept Capital Group - IP