
Our Social Impact

Building better communities, one home at a time.

Our Social Responsibility Promise

At Concept Capital Group, we have devoted ourselves to reinventing private rented housing into a people-centric, ethical system that has already impacted thousands of lives since we were founded and has the potential to impact thousands more.


Making an impact is the core idea behind our investment opportunity, and we strive to give everyone involved more of the things they need for less. For tenants, we provide a sustainable and efficient solution for affordable housing that builds communities and supports them in times of need. For investors, we offer an ethical alternative to buy-to-let property that is accessible, low-risk and socially conscious.


We base our Environmental, Social and Governance strategy around four core ethical values:



Environmental stewardship means tomorrow’s housing market will be a greener one. At Concept Capital Group, eco-friendly practices and products are a part of everyday business.



Diversity should not only be celebrated, but fostered to build stronger communities. From hiring practices to charity partnerships, we keep inclusion at the forefront of our enterprise.



We don’t just develop properties: we develop individuals. Through innovation, collaboration and a people-focused approach, we give everyone involved with our company the chance to unlock their potential.



When it comes to housing and social impact, offering a sense of consistency, reliability and safety is the key to lasting change. We always implement ideas and strategy designed for long-term results.

Homes Built
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Tenants Placed
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UK Sites
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Occupancy Rate
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In Revenue
£ 0 m+
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Our Ethical Values

At Concept Capital Group, we factor our company’s distinctive ethical values into our strategic decision-making. Whether that means building sustainability into our homes or partnering with charitable organisations that aid the communities and people we support, we encourage an ethical approach at all levels of our business.


When you invest with us, you can rest assured that sustainability, inclusion, growth and stability are equally as important to our success as to yours. As such, your money will always go towards bettering the lives of some of the most vulnerable individuals in the UK.

How we make an impact

To ensure sustainability, inclusion and growth are always at the core of what we do, we prioritise three key focus areas for staying socially impactful:

  1. Modular Construction

    By using modular construction, we limit the financial and environmental costs of our manufacturing process. Our shorter, faster build process uses fewer natural resources and has a reduced carbon footprint, allowing us to create diverse, affordable housing solutions with minimal expenses.

  2. Vulnerable Households

    We focus on providing housing for vulnerable individuals – tenants who are at an increased risk of homelessness or who may face discrimination in traditional private rentals. Affordable housing is a necessity for all people. As such, we collaborate with investors like you to prioritise community, security and transparency for the tenants we home.

  3. Charitable Partnerships

    Besides building affordable housing, we also work closely with charitable organisations to give back to the local communities we build in. From diversity and inclusion to healthcare and education, we integrate social responsibility into our corporate strategy to innovate ways of supporting vulnerable people beyond our products and services.

Some of the charities we work with...

Becoming a Concept Capital Group Investor

Money may be important, but we know it isn’t everything.

As an investor with Concept Capital Group, you will receive the unique opportunity to secure a stable source of passive income that offers a more financially secure future and the chance to make a lasting ethical statement through property investment.

Your Social Impact

Ethical investing is easier than ever with our modular homes. Every CCG property placed gives back to local communities by providing one or more vulnerable tenants with shelter and security in a historic housing crisis.

Investors interested in sustainability and social housing can enjoy all the rewards of owning a buy-to-let property while supporting greener, more affordable homes. Our property and tenancy management services will keep everything running smoothly to ensure your tenants are happy and your home is protected.

Your Return On Investment

Investing in today’s market can be full of uncertainty and risk. We offer CCG investors a mortgage-free, fully insured, and non-speculative asset for consistent returns with fewer concerns. That means a net annual yield of 10% on your investment with:


  • No hidden fees
  • No void periods
  • No depreciation

Modular Homes And The Housing Crisis

Once seen as a niche alternative to traditional property, modular homes can now serve as a long-term solution to the housing crisis for a new generation of renters and homeowners.

Affordable housing has been a priority for the UK government for years. However, failure to meet current housebuilding targets, combined with a rise in the cost of living and several other economic factors, has left vulnerable renters increasingly exposed to rough sleeping and homelessness.

21% rise in rough sleeping in London between 2022 and 2023
(The Guardian, 2023)
1.2 million UK households currently waiting for social housing
(Shelter, 2023)
41% fewer rental properties available since the 2020 COVID pandemic
(Trust for London, 2023)
The number of private rentals that are affordable on housing benefits fell from 23% to 5% in 2023
(The Guardian, 2023)
The need for more affordable housing as a solution to the housing crisis has never been clearer, but why are modular homes the ideal solution for maximising social impact in the housing market?

How Modular Homes Solve The Housing Crisis

The modern modular home boasts a unique combination of build and cost efficiency, quality and design principles, making them perfect for vulnerable renters struggling during the housing crisis.

Our homes give renters stability and security at an affordable price and can be placed on one of 136 existing sites across England and Wales at a speed that traditional building methods cannot match. Investors like you have an opportunity to make a real social impact on the housing crisis by meeting the growing market demand with modular housing.

With the proportion of homes built using modular construction projected to rise to 20% by 2030, investing in modular construction can:


  • Speed build times by as much as 50% (McKinsey, 2019)
  • Cut costs by almost 20% (McKinsey, 2019)
  • Fill a $1.6tn productivity gap in the market (McKinsey, 2019)

Solving the housing crisis won’t be easy, but modular homes could make all the difference.

Modular Homes And Sustainability

Building greener, more sustainable homes is integral to the UK’s plan to reach Net Zero carbon emissions by 2050. The built environment is responsible for generating roughly 40% of the UK’s total carbon footprint, making affordable, energy-efficient homes that are accessible to everyone essential.


When purchasing a modular home from CCG, you can rest assured that sustainability is at the centre of everything we do, giving you an easy, ethical solution for property investment.

What Is Ethical Investing?

Ethical investing provides a tailored opportunity to earn passive income while creating a social impact through causes that matter to you. At Concept Capital Group, we support a more sustainable and stable housing market by redefining ethical property investment for clients with vision that matches their ambition.

By tailoring our buy-to-let offer to vulnerable people, we ensure that every purchase impacts at least one life. Together, we can use ethical investments to pioneer a higher standard of living for everyone.

The Benefits Of Modular Homes On The Environment

As a modern method of construction, modular construction is not only 50% faster than traditional housebuilding, it also uses fewer resources during manufacturing and distribution, cutting costs and reducing carbon emissions. Through modular construction, quickly producing affordable homes for modern renters has never been more achievable.

Built to the British Standards Institution’s BS3632 specification for year-round residential living, our homes meet a minimum EPC rating of C. Equipped with sophisticated insulation and ventilation systems, each modular home we sell is as green to live in as to assemble.

How Modular Homes Help at Every Stage


Our materials are more cost-efficient, and our off-site manufacturing process is quicker than conventional housebuilding. The result is a bespoke suite of new build homes futureproofed for a greener housing market.


Our internal supply chain covers the entire journey from factory to placement, allowing for complete oversight of our carbon emissions and minimising environmental impact.


With double-glazed windows, a modernised ventilation system, and central heating, our homes reduce their carbon footprint during everyday use for superior energy efficiency.


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