
Investing has always been considered a safe bet as far as consistent, reliable profits go, but with the house prices fluctuating and inflation reaching a 41-year high of 11.1% in October 2022, even experienced property investors may find the market lacking in the security that made it appealing in the first place.

According to data released by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLHUC), approximately 1.2 million households in the UK are on waiting lists for affordable housing, representing a 5% rise in the past decade. With the demand for housing that blends affordability with quality only rising with inflation, many tenants and renters find themselves stuck in an inhospitable market and an unwinnable position.

Affordable housing is a potential growth area that can’t be overlooked by the forward-thinking investor. Not only is the industry primed to address some of the symptoms of the cost of living crisis, it also gives investors an opportunity to explore alternative housing styles that avoid the complications of mortgaging.

For those who want to invest in properties that don’t compromise on affordability or production quality, mortgage-free buy-to-lets could be an alternative solution for housing that meets them more than halfway.

Here are four reasons mortgage-free buy-to-let property could be your next big investment.

1. Investing in Your Local Community

Balancing social consciousness with profitability is one of the more challenging aspects of investing. For those investors who want their capital to have a positive influence on the world around them (otherwise known as ‘impact investors’), affordable housing is always a safe bet.

With the number of statutory homeless households in the UK rising by 4.7% last year, rental prices increasing by 11.1% in January this year and inflation driving the cost of living crisis, an investment in high-quality affordable housing can do more to create healthier local communities than you might think, especially since local authorities may struggle to meet demands alone.

By blending the stability and consistency of property investment with some of the people-oriented principles of social housing, affordable homes can give the most vulnerable people a secure place to live.

How We Help

We prioritise vulnerable people when placing tenants in our buy-to-let modular homes. The use of pre-qualified tenants allows us to not only ensure our properties are filled quickly for guaranteed monthly rental income for our investors but also to support local communities in addressing challenges like homelessness and overburdened temporary housing.

2. Cheaper Costs, Better Returns

Many mortgage-free buy-to-let alternatives are considered assets rather than properties, meaning they cannot be mortgaged in the same manner as a standard buy-to-let.

This may seem like an issue for those unfamiliar with the concept, but mortgage-free buy-to-lets make up for the lack of mortgage options with much lower costs and a higher percentage of ROI.

With a traditional buy-to-let property, investors are forced to pay various taxes and fees including Stamp Duty and conveyancing fees. Mortgage-free buy-to-let properties avoid these hidden costs, allowing investors to commit more of their capital to securing the asset and turning a profit.

Mortgage-free buy-to-lets also produce much higher yields than traditional alternatives due to lower fees and maintenance costs, offering investors the potential to get a complete return on their initial investment at a faster rate.

How We Help

We take all the guesswork out of purchasing property by eliminating small print and giving investors exactly what they paid for – affordable modular housing at a single, fixed price.

For an initial investment of £42,999, our investors receive full ownership of one of our mortgage-free buy-to-let properties complete with access to our tenancy and property management services.

As part of these services, we carry out the following on behalf of our investors:

  • Building and placing the property at one of our 121 UK sites
  • Sourcing a pre-qualified tenant for quick and consistent occupancy
  • Collecting and transferring rental payments directly to their accounts
  • Carrying out any maintenance or repairs in line with our 12-year insurance plan

We also guarantee a minimum annual yield of 10% – much more than the yield from a traditional buy-to-let. Our investors can effectively collect £4,299 a year without ever having to pay a penny more than their buy-in.

3. Easier Exits

Exiting a traditional buy-to-let property usually involves a lot of red tape and administration. The transfer of ownership can be sped up in some cases, but most investors will find themselves losing out on potential profits they could be accruing from rental payments and the like while trying to source a buyer for their property.

What’s more is that many landlords and property investors use the financial “buffer” of mortgages to buy homes and have their tenants pay them off. This can make it challenging to exit a property without incurring losses in some instances.

Mortgage-free buy-to-lets partially avoid these potential hurdles by removing mortgage repayment from the equation, but even they can bring paperwork down on the unexpecting heads of inexperienced investors.

How We Help

We go the extra mile in our mortgage-free buy-to-let property by offering our investors exit options every two years following the commencement of their contract. These options include purchasing the property directly from them or taking it to auction on their behalf.

As assets with a fixed value, our homes are not influenced by shifting markets and are insured for the entirety of an investor’s 12-year contract, meaning they can sell the property to fully recoup their initial investment without having to worry about depreciation.

For a consistent source of passive income that minimizes both risk and complexity, our mortgage-free modular homes are an easy choice.

4. Concept Capital Group (What? It’s true.)

We may be cheating on this last one, but we really do provide a simplified and functional alternative to traditional buy-to-lets that can seal the deal with those uncertain about where to put their investment capital.

In addition to low entry fees of £42,999, a 10% annual yield, regular exit options, full property and tenancy management, and a chance to make a positive social impact, we also offer our investors the speed and efficacy of modular construction, building and placing homes within 60 days of their initial purchase and filling them within 30 days of placement. This combined with our use of pre-approved tenants makes void periods nothing to worry about.

That means more money coming in more frequently as soon as possible. And the longer you hold your property, the more your net profit will be.

All our homes have a range of customisable features that allow you to personalise them to your needs, but they all benefit from high-quality production that meets the British Standards Institute’s BS3632 specifications for residential homes, guaranteeing a better class of affordable housing for your tenants.

To find out more about our mortgage-free buy-to-let property and whether it’s the right investment for your financial future, contact our team today.

Concept Capital Group

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Buy-To-Let Modular Homes

Our modular homes blend modern design principles with the adaptability of modular construction to maximise comfort, sustainability and build efficiency at an accessible price. Built to the British Standard Institution’s BS3632 specifications for year-round residential living, our homes are liveable for a minimum of 25 years and designed to meet the latest minimum EPC ratings for energy efficiency.


Up to 12 Years

ROI: 10%

Fully Managed

Fully Insured

1st Payment in 90 Days

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